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В очакване на God Of War II

В IGN излезе първото ревю на God Of War - играта, която чакам може би с най-голямо нетърпение. Дали са й оценка 9.710, което говори само за себе си. Ето и тяхното заключение:

God of War II may in fact be the best action game ever made. It outdoes the original God of War in every way, even if only by a tiny bit as the first was so good to begin with. It’s an evolutionary step rather than a revolutionary leap, but it has basically perfected the formula that the original set up. If you own a PlayStation 2 (or PS3) and don’t mind excessive amounts of blood, you absolutely must play this game. If you don’t own a PS2, find someone who does and sit yourself down in front of their TV for 12 or so hours as you’ll otherwise be missing out on one of gaming’s most intense and engaging experiences available.

Ето и малко картинки от играта: